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2023-01-02 20:00     (点击: )





袁康,1992年7月生,江苏连云港人,博士,讲师。2022年博士毕业于南开大学,现任职于光电信息科学与工程系。目前以第一作者在《Applied Physics Letters》,《Optics Letters》,《ACS Applied Nano Materials》,《Chemical Engineering Journal》,《Applied Surface Science》,《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》等SCI期刊发表文章共计7篇,其中中科院一区论文2篇,二区论文4篇,申请并授权国家发明专利2项。


[1]Kang Yuan,Zhimin Yu, Li Yang, Yang Yang*, Jiaming Sun*, Near-infrared electroluminescence based on Nd-doped Ga2O3nanolaminates fabricated by atomic layer deposition for optoelectronic applications, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 17949-17955.

[2]Kang Yuan, Yao Liu, Z.T. Ou-yang, Jianzhao Liu, Yang Yang*, Jiaming Sun*, Resonant energy transfer between rare earth atomic layers in nanolaminate films, Optics Letters, 2022, 47, 4897-4900.

[3]Kang Yuan, Rui Ma, Li Yang, Yang Yang*, Jiaming Sun*, Modulation of the dielectric property of Ga2O3/TiO2nanolaminates and their improvement on the electroluminescence from devices based on Er-doped Al2O3nanofilms, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022,55, 235101.

[4]Kang Yuan, Li Yang, Yang Yang*, Jiaming Sun*, Improvement of theelectroluminescence performance from Er-doped Al2O3nanofilms byinsertion of atomic Ga2O3layers, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119, 201105.

[5]Kang Yuan, Xinghua Zhang*, Xiang Li, Ruohan Qin, Yahui Cheng, Lanlan Li, Xiaojing Yang, Xiaofei Yu, Zunming Lu, Hui Liu*, Great enhancement of red emitting carbon dots with B/Al/Ga doping for dual mode anti-counterfeiting,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 397: 125487.

[6]Kang Yuan, Ruohan Qin, Jingjing Yu, Xiang Li*, Lanlan Li, Xiaojing Yang, Xiaofei Yu, Zunming Lu, Xinghua Zhang*, Hui Liu, Effects of localized surface plasmon resonance of Ag nanoparticles on luminescence of carbon dots with blue, green and yellow emission,Applied Surface Science, 2020, 502:144277.1-144277.7.

[7]Kang Yuan, Xinghua Zhang*, Ruohan Qin, Xuefeng Ji,Yahui Cheng, Lanlan Li, Xiaojing Yang, Zunming Lu, Hui Liu*, Surface state modulation of red emitting carbon dots for white light-emitting diodes,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6(46): 12631-12637.

[8]Xinghua Zhang*,Kang Yuan, Lanlan Li, Qiang Guo, Xuefeng Ji, Ruohan Qin, Yi Liu, Haifei Wei, Zunming Lu, Hui Liu*, Effects of silver nanoparticles on enhancement of luminescence properties for BCNO phosphors with red emission, Journal of Alloys and compounds, 2018, 792: 579-585.


1、张兴华,袁康等,一种红光发射碳量子点的低温制备方法,2021.8.11,中国,ZL 2018 1 0787110.5

2、张兴华,袁康等,一种白光发射碳量子点的制备方法及其应用,2020.8.25中国,ZL 2017 1 1361207.1


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